Research Article

Comparative Evaluation of Biomass Power Generation Systems in China Using Hybrid Life Cycle Inventory Analysis

Table 7

Inputs and allocation in agricultural phrase.

InputsPlantation inputs (yuan/mu)Assigned input of corn stover (yuan/GJ)

Seed 26.920.308
Chemical fertilizersa88.431.013
Farmyard manure 8.660.099
Pesticide 7.960.091
Agricultural film 2.620.030
Field machinery, irrigation, and animal power 55.640.637
Fuels 0.030.393
Technical service 0.030.143
Tools and materials 2.10.061
Maintenance 1.270.101
Others 0.120.000

Note: athe amount of N-fertilizer applied in physical unit is 10.27 kg N/mu [21]. An emission rate of 1.3% of N-fertilizer for N2O [25] was adopted. On the other hand, emissions associated with land use change were not taken into account in this study. The average exchange rate of currency in 2007, 1 yuan = 0.132 USD and 1 yuan = 0.096 EUR.