Research Article

The Coral Reefs Optimization Algorithm: A Novel Metaheuristic for Efficiently Solving Optimization Problems

Table 4

Results obtained by CRO, GA, and HS in Max-Ones problems of increasing size. The results are shown in best/average/standard deviation over 30 runs of the algorithms.


50 100/100/0 100/100/0 100/100/0
100 100/100/0 100/100/0 98/95.67/0.92
150 100/100/0 100/100/0 94.67/90.84/1.13
200 100/99.98/ 100/99.93/0.17 90/87.32/0.88
250 100/99.97/ 100/99.81/0.25 86.80/84.64/1.04
300 100/99.96 / 100/99.61/0.3983.67/82.0700/0.62
350 100/99.96/ 100/99.21/0.46 81.4300/80.03/0.71
400 100/99.95/ 99.50/98.67/0.58 79.50/78.45/1.04
450 100/99.93/0.13 99.55/98.11/0.67 78.67/76.97/0.99
500 100/99.92/0.1 98.60/97.04/0.75 78/75.99/0.69