Research Article

Piper nigrum Leaf and Stem Assisted Green Synthesis of Silver Nanoparticles and Evaluation of Its Antibacterial Activity Against Agricultural Plant Pathogens

Table 1

Biochemical analysis of bacteria isolated from disease infected agricultural plant leaf.

S. no.Biochemical testsCitrobacter freundii Erwinia cacticida

1Gram stainingGram negative RodGram negative rods
2Agar slantSmall white rounded,
waxy colonies
Translucent ivory
and convex with
entire margins
3Spore stainingNegativeNegative
4IndoleNegative Positive
5Methyl redPositive Negative
6Voges ProskauerNegative Positive
7Citrate utilizationPositivePositive
8Starch hydrolysisNegativeNegative
11Urease activityVariableNegative
12Triple sugar iron
agar test
Acid and H2S
Acid production
13H2S productionPositiveNegative