Review Article

Role of EEG as Biomarker in the Early Detection and Classification of Dementia

Table 1

Findings of effective linear and nonlinear methods for detecting dementia [55, 107, 121, 122, 131].


Linear techniquesSpectral analysisMedian frequency (MF)Dementia is associated with a slowing of brain frequencies
Spectral entropy (SpecEn)Dementia causes a change in the frequency content of the brain signals
Zero crossing interval (ZCI)ZCI increased in slow activity associated with dementia

Nonlinear techniquesFractal dimension (FD)FD of the EEG is lower for dementia patients than normal subjects
Lempel-Ziv-Welch (LZW)Lower LZW of dementia patients than normal subjects due to reduce complexity
Tsallis entropy (TsEn)Lower TsEn in AD group than the normal