Research Article

Soil Diversity as Affected by Land Use in China: Consequences for Soil Protection

Table 2

Distribution and brief description of characteristics of the soil orders in China.


AlfisolsHumid regionCalcium carbonate leached well, acid or neutral, clay-enriched B horizons
Semi-AlfisolsSemihumid regionWeak leaching, neutral to slight alkaline, calcium carbonate illuviated, argillation of different degree
PedocalsSemiarid and arid regionsHorizons with off-white lime
AridisolsArid regionArid A horizons and any other subhorizons
Desert soilsMost arid regionHydromica as major clay mineral, crust with vesicles and platy horizon, horizon with rich gypsum and salt
Amorphic soilsAzonalWeek pedogenesis, characteristics of parent material
Semiaqueous soilsIntrazonalGroundwater invasion or temporarily stagnant water, soil humification surface horizon and rust horizon of oxidation-reduction
Aqueous soilsIntrazonalSurface water or groundwater near the surface, crude humification or peat surface layer, gley horizon
Alkaline-saline soilsIntrazonalSoil property and profile change caused by soil salt or alkalization, no crops
AnthrosolsNonzonalCharacters caused by long period of cultivation
Alpine soilsPlateau and alpine areaWeek humification, freezing-thawing morphology, low soil depth, coarse soil texture, low mineral chemical decomposition
FerralsolsWarm-wet climate zoneDesilication, Fe and Al enriched, bioaccumulation