Research Article

Integrated Assessment of PAH Contamination in the Czech Rivers Using a Combination of Chemical and Biological Monitoring

Table 1

Content of priority PAH in SPMD samples from sampling sites.

LocalitySum of priority 
PAH (ng L−1)

Bechyně (Lužnice River)6.6
Topělec (Otava River)10.6
Nespeky (Sázava River)5.3
Srbsko (Berounka River)5.5
Zelčín (Vltava River)5.4
Obříství (Labe River)5.2
Schmilka (Labe River)n.m.
Židlochovice (Svratka River)14.2
Pohansko (Dyje River) 6.3
Lanžhot (Morava River)14.8
Bohumín (Odra River)173.9

n.m: sample was not measured because of the technical problem.