Research Article

A Fast Density-Based Clustering Algorithm for Real-Time Internet of Things Stream

Algorithm 1

HDC-Stream (DS, MinPts, λ, and α).
Input: a data stream, MinPts, , and
Output: arbitrary shape clusters
(3)while not end of stream do
(4) Read data point from Data Stream
 {***** MM-Step *****}
(5)  Find the nearest mini-cluster MIC to
(6)if distance   then
(7)   Merge to the MIC
(9)   Map the new data point to the grid
(11)    Update
(12)   if   ≥ MinPts and ≥     then
(16)    Remove grid from the grid list
(17)   end if
(18)  end if
 {***** PGM-Step *****}
(19)  if   mod   then
(20)   for all grid   do
(22)    if     then
(23)     Remove grid from the grid list
(24)    end if
(25)   end for
(26)   for all     do
(27)    if     then
(28)     Remove MIC from
(29)    end if
(30)   end for
(31)  end if
(33) end while
{***** FCC-Step *****}
(34) if the clustering request is arrived then
(35)  Generate clusters using a modified DBSCAN
(36) end if