Research Article

Classification Based on Pruning and Double Covered Rule Sets for the Internet of Things Applications

Algorithm 4

Inducing rule set .
Input: Training data ,
Output: Rule set
(1)  Rule set , , cover value , candidate set , IniteQueue ;
(2)  add cover value which can cover to , and
(3)  while
(4)        where is first element of ;
(5)        ;
(6)  end while
(7)  while
(8)    ;
(9)   If continue;
(10)     compute the information gain of ;
(11)     if
(12)      ;
(13)     else
(14)      ;
(15)     Found in dataset, and ;
(16)     connect with ;
(17)      ;
(18)     , ;
(19)     end if
(20)  end while
(21)  return