Research Article

[Retracted] An Automatic Web Service Composition Framework Using QoS-Based Web Service Ranking Algorithm

Algorithm 2

QoS aware web service composition algorithm (UR(, QWV, ), ).
 (1) Rank Services
  (1.1) Perform UPWSR for each task in
  (1.2) Save the for each task in
 (2) Store each in task tables
 (3) Compute Service Composition (SC) table
  (3.1) Generate all possible Composition plans by taking Cartesian product of all the
   task tables obtained in Step (2)
  (3.2) Save the Composition plans (CP) in Service Composition Table
 (4) Calculate QoS Aggregated value for each CP in Service Composition and save in
   Composition Plan List (CPL)
 (5) Constraint Analyzer
  (5.1) Perform ConstraintAnalyzer(SC, ) for each CP in CPL
  (5.2) Save composite services that satisfy constraints in Filtered Composition Plan
   List (FCP)
 (6) Pareto Optimal based Selection
  (6.1) Perform ParetoSelection(FCP)
  (6.2) Save Composition Plans after filtering in Pareto Optimal based Selected
  List (POSL)
 (7) Compute Aggregated QoS Rank for each CP in POSL
  (7.1) Evaluate all the Rank for each CP in POSL
  (7.2) Save the CP with Rank in POSL
 (8) Calculate Final rank(POSL, QWV)
  (8.1) Compute Final rank for all CP in POSL
  (8.2) Sort and save the Composition Plan in Ranked Composition Plan List (RCPL)
   based on Final Rank
 (9) Execute all the Composition Plan in RCPL
 (10) Get feedback and update