Research Article

Primary Path Reservation Using Enhanced Slot Assignment in TDMA for Session Admission

Algorithm 1

 Step  1.
     if Y is not listed in NH then exits this procedure
     else Construct a list path_temp = path∣()
     // ∣-mean that current node is attached/concatenated with path
 Step  2.
   (i) Construct two temporary table
       SS_temp [n, s] & RS_temp [n, s]  then
       Copy SS  [n, s] in to SS_temp  [n, s]
       Copy RS  [n, s] in to RS_temp  [n, s]
   (ii) Let path = ()
          for every time slot t in the list
             SS_temp [] = 1
             RS_temp [] = 1
          for every time slot t in the list  
             SS_temp [] = 1
             RS_temp [] = 1
   (iii) for  every time slot t in the list
             SS_temp [] = 1
             RS_temp [] = 1
 Step  3.
     if  NH_temp = empty
     for each 1-hop neighbour Z of Y  do
       L = slot_selection(Y, Z, b, SS_temp, RS_temp)
       if  L empty
          NH_temp = NH_temp∣()
     else if  NH_temp ≠ empty  then
       broadcast RREQ (S, D, id, b, Y, path_temp, NH_temp)
Subroutine:  slot_selection(Y, Z, b, SS_temp, RS_temp)
for each slot i, where following condition will be checked
Con 1: (SS_temp [Y, i] = 0) & ( [Y, i] = 0) & (SS_temp  [] = 0) & [Z, i] = 0)
Con 2: for all ( [Y, W] = 1) then RS_temp [W, i] = 0
Con 3: for all ( [Z,W] = 1) then SS_temp [W, i] = 0