Clinical Study

Performance of Size 1 I-Gel Compared with Size 1 ProSeal Laryngeal Mask in Anesthetized Infants and Neonates

Table 2

Conditions during insertion, quality of initial airway, airway leak pressure, maximum tidal volume, and fiberoptic view of size 1 I-gel and PLMA and complications during surgery and emergence. Values are mean ± standard deviation or number (proportion).

Group I
( = 25)
Group P
( = 25)

Insertion time (s)12.6 ± 2.1924.2 ± 6.050.0001
First-attempt insertion success (%)23 (92%)22 (88%)0.609#
Overall insertion success24 (96%)25 (100%)
Insertion condition summed score6.2 ± 0.56.4 ± 0.50.197
 Mouth opening (full/partial/nil)25/0/025/0/0
 Gagging or coughing (nil/slight/gross)25/0/025/0/0
 Swallowing (nil/slight/gross)24/1/024/1/0
 Movement (nil/slight/gross)24/1/019/5/1
 Laryngospasm (nil/partial/complete)25/0/025/0/0
 Ease of insertion (easy/difficult/impossible)23/1/122/3/0
Quality of initial airway ()0.006#
Airway leak pressure (leak) (cmH2O)27.44 ± 5.6723.52 ± 8.150.054
Maximum tidal volume (TVmax) (mL)90 ± 45.9169.13 ± 36.790.091
Fiberoptic view (1/2/3/4/5*)12/4/2/7/05/5/3/7/5 0.085#
Grade 1 (only larynx seen)12 (48%)5 (20%)0.036#
Grade 5 (epiglottis downfolded and larynx cannot be seen directly) 0 (0%)5 (20%)0.025#

Unpaired test was used for comparison of variables between two groups.
#Pearson chi-square and Fisher’s exact test were used for comparison of variables between the categorical data.
*(1) Only larynx seen; (2) larynx and epiglottis posterior surface seen; (3) larynx and epiglottis tip of anterior surface seen, 50% visual obstruction of epiglottis to larynx; (4) epiglottis downfolded and its anterior surface seen, 50% visual obstruction of epiglottis to larynx; (5) epiglottis downfolded and larynx cannot be seen directly.