Research Article

An Efficient Approach for Web Indexing of Big Data through Hyperlinks in Web Crawling

Algorithm 1

Input: A graph of Web Pages and a vertex page qt of
Output: All pages reached from vertex page qt labelled as discovered
crawling_algo(W,  qt)
Step  1.    Assign all and retrieve from disk, query term qt at time
Step  2.   While disk not empty do
Step  3.     Assign
Step  4.     For all in CS
Step  5.           If → leftnode exists
Step  6.               → leftnode
Step  7.               Repeat for all nodes recursively
Step  8.           else if → rightnode exists
Step  9.               → rightnode
Step  10.             Repeat for all nodes recursively
Step  11.          else
Step  12.             Set boolean of as true
Step  13.            Add to corresponding RS
Step  14.         Return RS
: query node, qt: First query term, boolean: flag variable,
CS: Category Set, RS: Result Set, : Count.