Research Article

Swarm Intelligence Integrated Graph-Cut for Liver Segmentation from 3D-CT Volumes

Algorithm 1

Variant ACO algorithm.
Input: ROI-based enhanced image of input abdominal CT slice
Output: Boundary detected using ACO
  Phase 1: ACO Initialization
  (I) Initialize the edge attractiveness (pheromone) and path visibility (heuristic) for each edge.
  (II) Initialize evaporation rate (, pheromone decay coefficient , count index
    (positive integer), and influencer parameters
  Phase 2: Solving process
   For < maxIteration do
      For each artificial ant do
    From node , choose probabilistically (as in the following equation) the next state (if ) to move into
    where is neighborhood of in 2D space
     Add the edge ( to the tabu list for each ant
     Repeat until each ant completes a solution
      end for
      For each ant completed a tour     // find the local best tour
         Update the local best tour,
      end for
      if (  %   ==  0)
      Global best-tour,
       Global updation of
      end if
   end for