Research Article

Mental Health of Elementary Schoolteachers in Southern Brazil: Working Conditions and Health Consequences

Table 2

Frequency of stressful working conditions in the school as self-reported by elementary schoolteachers.

Working conditionsPercentage

Inadequate salary2156.8
Inadequate or insufficient work material 2054.1
Size of the classroom inadequate for the number of students1850.0
Excessive activities1335.1
Taking work home1232.4
Difficulty maintaining the concentration of students in the classroom1129.7
Lack of recognition1129.7
Noisy school718.9
Excessive workload718.9
Society demands in relation to the education of students513.5
Daily dissension between colleagues25.4
School demands25.4
Difficult interactions with colleagues12.7
Tension and insecurity in the workplace12.7