Research Article

Health Behaviors and Overweight in Nursing Home Employees: Contribution of Workplace Stressors and Implications for Worksite Health Promotion

Table 2

Self-reported working conditions and personal factors, by age group: 1,506 U.S. nursing home employees.

Younger than 40 years
40 years and older

Physical requirements at work
Heavy lifting (%)6151
Rapid and continuous physical activity (%)8270
Awkward working postures (%)7459
Physically demanding work (%)5943
Work organization
Low decision latitude (%)2626
High psychological demands (%)9287
Job strain (high demand, low control) (%)2323
Low schedule control (%)2317
Working at night (%)2223
Social support at work
Low coworker support (%)3431
Low supervisor support (%)2220
Safety and work climate
One or more assaults at work in the past 3 months (%)4838
Poor safety environment (%)6354
Employer tolerates discrimination (%)1918
Work-family balance and second jobs
Imbalance between work and family life (%)4941
Low employer support for family or other personal responsibilities (%)4543
Having another paid job (%) 2219
Health behaviors and obesity
Current smoker (%) 2426
Physically inactive (%) 2323
Obese (BMI > 30) (%) 3038

Number of respondents varied slightly among rows due to missing values.