Research Article

Load Balancing in Cloud Computing Environment Using Improved Weighted Round Robin Algorithm for Nonpreemptive Dependent Tasks

Algorithm 1

IWRR dynamic scheduler.
(1) Identify the Pending Execution Time in each of the VMs by collecting the Pending Execution length from executing, waiting &
   paused list.
 (a) Set pendingJobsTotLength = JobsRemainingLengthInExecList + JobsRemainingLengthInWaitList +
 (b) is the processing capacity of the VM.
 (c) Set pendingETime = pendingJobsTotLength/
(2) Arrange the VMs based on the least pending execution time to the highest pending execution time and group it, in case two
   VMs fall in the same pending length. This Map should contain pending execution time as key and it’s associated VMs as a value.
 (a) Sort the VMMap by the Pending Execution Time of each VM
(3) Re-arrange the incoming Jobs based on the length & priority of the Jobs.
 (a) Sort the JobSubmittedList based on length & priority.
(4) Initiate the vmIndex, jobIndex variable & totalJobs
 (a) Set vmIndex = 0
 (b) Set totalJobs = length of JobSubmittedList
 (c) Set totalVMsCount = size of VMMap
 (d) Set jobIndex = 0
 (e) Set jobToVMratio = totalJobs/totalVMsCount
(5) Assign the incoming jobs to the VMs based on the least Pending Execution Time in the VMs & its processing capacity.
 (a) While (true)
      Set job = JobSubmittedList.get(jobIndex)
      Set jobLength = lengthOf(job)
      Set newCompletiontimeMap = EmptyMap
      For startNumber from 0 by 1 to totalVMsCount do
         Set vm = VMMap.getValue(startNumber)
         Set probableNewCompTime = jobLength/  + VMMap.getKey(startNumber)
         newCompletiontimeMap.add(probableNewCompTime, vm)
      Set selectedVM = newCompletiontimeMap.getValue(0)
      For startNumber from 0 by 1 to totalVMsCount do
         Set vm = VMMap.getValue(startNumber)
         If (vm equals selectedVM)
            Set currentLength = VMMap.getKey(startNumber)
            Set newCurrentLength = currentLength + newCompletiontimeMap.getKey(0)
            VMMap.add(newCurrentLength, vm)
      Increase the jobIndex by 1
      If (jobIndex equals totalJobs)
 (b) End While
(6) Remove all the assigned Jobs from the JobSubmittedList