Research Article

Oregano Extract Added into the Diet of Dairy Heifers Changes Feeding Behavior and Concentrate Intake

Table 3

Mean physiological measurements, performance, and dry matter intake of heifers receiving different doses of oregano extract with corresponding significance levels.

ItemsTreatments (g of Oregano extract/heifer/day)SEM

Urine pH8.
RT (°C)38.638.638.638.60.640.0
RR (breaths/min)46.445.045.746.40.541.0
HR (beats/min)<0.012.4
Concentrate DMI (kg/day)<0.010.0
Total DMI (% of BW)
Total DMI (kg/day)13.513.414.712.20.182.0
Average daily gain (kg)0.640.700.650.750.840.1
BCS (1–5)
BW (kg)4995024625020.8011.9

HR = heart rate; RR = respiratory rate; RT = rectal temperature; DMI = dry matter intake; BCS = body condition score; BW = body weight.
SEM = standard error of the mean.
within a row with different superscripts differ significantly at .