Research Article

Gabapentin Inhibits Protein Kinase C Epsilon Translocation in Cultured Sensory Neurons with Additive Effects When Coapplied with Paracetamol (Acetaminophen)

Figure 3

PKC translocation suppression by gabapentin and by paracetamol is additive. (a) Experiments on bradykinin- (BK-) induced and PK2-induced PKCε translocation. Gabapentin effect on the latter was almost double compared to the former, with about 14.2% suppression on bradykinin-induced translocation and 25.4% suppression on PK2-induced translocation, compared to control (CTRL). Paracetamol-induced suppression was 33.4% (BK) and 21.6% (PK2). Combined drug suppression was, respectively, 49.8% and 41.9%, consistent with an additive effect of these drugs. (b) Isobolograms for the effects of gabapentin and paracetamol, alone or in combination, in BK- and PK2-induced PKCε translocation. White square symbols correspond to the experimental cotreatment ED50 with 95% confidence limits. Circle symbols correspond to ED50 for gabapentin and paracetamol alone. Notes: values are means ± SEM of data from 5 separate cultures. versus control and versus other treatments in all combinations (ANOVA followed by Bonferroni’s -test).