Research Article

Land Use and Land Cover Dynamics and Properties of Soils under Different Land Uses in the Tejibara Watershed, Ethiopia

Table 6

Mean square (MS) and results of two-way analysis of variance of soil physical properties.

Physical propertiesLand useSoil depth (cm)Interaction effects

Sand (%)220.612.610.092ns181.52.150.164ns17.50.210.889ns
Silt (%)61.333.650.03910.670.640.438ns25.771.540.249ns
Clay (%)253.947.320.004104.173.000.105ns25.940.750.541ns
BD (g/cm3)0.26921.930.00010.0967.840.0140.0151.210.342ns
SMC (%)80.874.230.025264.0593.350.089ns56.212.940.069ns

Significant at ; significant at ; ns = not significant; MS = mean square; F = calculated value; P = probability; BD = bulk density.