Research Article

Land Use and Land Cover Dynamics and Properties of Soils under Different Land Uses in the Tejibara Watershed, Ethiopia

Table 7

Mean square (MS) and results of two-way analysis of variance of soil chemical properties.

Chemical propertiesLand useSoil depth (cm)Interaction effects

pH (H2O)0.34811.710.00040.02470.830.3774ns0.03661.230.3356ns
EC (dS/m)0.007462.660.00010.004336.020.00010.00119.380.0012
OM (%)118.6175.210.000120.07529.660.00014.6157.330.0034
TN (%)0.07580.210.00010.00454.880.04440.00363.850.0336
AP (mg/kg)3114.724.000.0298363.0150.470.5056ns1786.792.30.1222ns
CEC (cmolc/kg)12.4092.820.0776ns0.19980.050.8345ns3.79540.860.4841ns
K (cmolc/kg)0.9533.040.064ns0.0110.030.8551ns0.5421.730.2064ns

Significant at ; significant at ; ns = not significant; MS = mean square; F = calculated value; P = probability; EC = electrical conductivity; OM = organic matter; TN = total nitrogen; AP = available phosphorus; CEC = cation exchange capacity.