Research Article

Land Use and Land Cover Dynamics and Properties of Soils under Different Land Uses in the Tejibara Watershed, Ethiopia

Table 9

Interaction effects of land use and soil depth on selected soil chemical properties.

Land use typespH (H2O)EC (ms/cm)OM (%)Total N (%)Av. P(mg/kg)CEC(cmolc/kg)Ex. K(cmolc/kg)
Soil depth (cm)

Forest land6.56.50.14a0.07b12.9a9.1b0.35a0.29b10.99.340.939.82.032.3
Eucalyptus plantation6.05.90.07b0.05c5.9c2.9d0.22c0.14d7.93.940.738.82.191.3
Grazing land6.36.50.05c0.04cd2.7d2.4de0.11de0.11de2.87.036.837.71.311.2
Cultivated land6.46.60.02de0.02e1.0ef0.6f0.05f0.07ef8.56.737.438.81.231.7
LSD (0.05)NS0.021.440.053NSNSNS
CV (%)2.719.217.518.238.95.433.6

Interaction means within a specific soil parameter followed by the same letter are not significantly different from each other at . CV = coefficient of variation; LSD = least significant difference.