Research Article

The Efficacy of Processing Strategies on the Gastroprotective Potentiality of Chenopodium quinoa Seeds

Figure 6

Effect of QP, QG, QB, and QF on the immunostaining of cyclooxygenase 2 (COX-2) enzyme in stomach sections from all animal groups. (a) Slight expression of COX-2 in normal stomach. (b) Marked overexpression of COX-2 in the gastric mucosa with intensive brown staining towards the upper part of stomach treated with absolute EtOH at dose of 5 mL/kg (black arrow). (c) Slightly expressed COX-2 in the lower part of the gastric mucosa with fine brown-stained layer and COX-2 expression on the mucosal surface from the stomach treated with omeprazole (20 mg/kg). (d) Moderately immunoexpressed COX-2 in the upper half of the mucosal part from the stomach treated with QP (quinoa seeds cooked under high pressure, 200 mg/kg). (e) Stomach treated with QG (first stage-germinated quinoa seeds, 200 mg/kg) showing mild expression of COX-2 in the top quarter of the gastric mucosa. (f) Stomach treated with QB (quinoa seeds fermented by Lactobacillus plantarum bacteria, 200 mg/kg) showing considerable reduction in immuno-COX-2 expression in the upper part compared to the lower part of the gastric mucosa. (g) Stomach treated with QF (quinoa seeds fermented by Rhizopus oligosporus fungus, 200 mg/kg) showing more expression of COX-2 in the upper part of the gastric mucosa than the lower part. Quantitative estimation of immunohistochemical staining based on the determination of the % positive-stained area analyzed from 6 images/group using ImageJ analysis software is charted down the images. compared to normal. compared to absolute EtOH. compared to omeprazole OMP. compared to QB.