The Scientific World Journal

Strategic Management Advanced Service for Sustainable Computing Environment


Lead Editor

1Mokwon University, Daejeon, Republic of Korea

2Waseda University, Tokyo, Japan

3University of Salerno, Fisciano Salerno, Italy

4Sangmyung University, Seoul, Republic of Korea

Strategic Management Advanced Service for Sustainable Computing Environment


Unquestionably, business and industrial information can be considered an extremely important asset to any organization. Some would even go as far as claiming that an organization’s information resources are the lifeblood of that organization. However, recently other competitors such as countries and enterprises are doing their best to have advanced technology of certain corporation. This business and industrial information leakage tend to halt the ordinary business process of enterprise, causing tremendous economical property loss as well as damage to the competitiveness of enterprise due to the leakage of technology which needs to be effort and time-consuming.

Only ecurity echnology cannot directly protect against the underlying security incidents (business and industrial information leakage) that, in practice, lead to loss. Recent surveys suggest up to 60% of security breaches are related to human problem yet few companies focus on human aspects in their security strategies. Hence to take preventive measures against security breaches, it is necessary to manage and converge three security areas (managerial, physical and technical management) in the perspective of corporate and business security strategy.

The main motivation for this special issue is to bring together researchers and practitioners working on related fields in human centric security management and its services to present current research issues and advances. Papers on practical as well as on theoretical topics and problems are invited.

Potential topics include, but are not limited to:

  • Human and anagerial actors in usiness ecurity
  • Human entric ystem and for
  • Smart ecurity in BYOD nvironment
  • Business eakage rotection and
  • Intelligent urveillance anagement and ystem in usiness nfrastructure
  • Digital orensic ethodology and for ecurity
The Scientific World Journal
 Journal metrics
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Acceptance rate15%
Submission to final decision115 days
Acceptance to publication14 days
Journal Citation Indicator-
Impact Factor-
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