Research Article

Economic Transition in the City of Paterson, New Jersey (America’s First Planned Industrial City): Causes, Impacts, and Urban Policy Implications

Table 1

Types and characteristics of metropolises in USA.

MetropolisKey trends/characteristics

Classic deindustrializing metropolisLoss of manufacturing employment
Disinvestment in manufacturing
Population decreases
Little immigration

Stable urban areas in transitionDecline in manufacturing
Population growth
More diverse economy
Gains in services and other nonagricultural activities

Slow growth urban areasManufacturing employment grew quite quickly
Population grew at a much slower rate
High rate of growth in the services sector

Growing service centersDecline in manufacturing
Rapid population growth
Growth in services activities

New centers of manufacturingIncrease in population
Increase in manufacturing employment
Increase in services sector activities

Source: Negrey and Zickel [12].