Research Article

Associational Involvement in Dutch Municipalities and Neighbourhoods: Does Ethnic Diversity Influence Bonding and Bridging Involvement?

Table 4

Descriptive statistics for individual- and contextual-level variables (; ; ).


Individual level
Dependent variables, formal social capital
 Involvement in leisure associations
  Not involved leisure association0/164.21%
  Involved bonding leisure association0/118.89%
  Involved bridging leisure association0/116.90%
 Involvement in interest associations
  Not involved interest association0/189.90%
  Involved bonding interest association0/15.42%
  Involved bridging interest association0/14.68%
Mediating variables
 Perceived ethnic threat0–41.58.92
 Interethnic contact 0/132.04%
Control variables individual level
 Educational attainment
  Primary/lower secondary education (incl. missing)0/116.96%
  Higher secondary/intermediate vocational educ.0/145.89%
  Vocational college0/124.75%
  University (ref.)0/112.41%
 Employment situation
  Working (ref.)0/176.18%
  Neither working nor studying0/112.09%
 Income per month
  Less than 1,500 euro0/119.83%
  Between 1,500 and 2,499 euro 0/119.95%
  Between 2,499 and 3,499 euro 0/122.88%
  More than 3,500 euro (ref.)0/124.13%
  Income missing0/113.22%
  Church attendance—never (ref.)0/157.04%
  Church attendance—less than once a month 0/130.74%
  Church attendance—once a month or more0/112.22%
 Partner (no partner = ref.)0/180.86%
 Children (no children = ref.)0/160.47%
 Female (male = ref.)0/153.87%
 Age (19.43 = 0)0–30.6717.079.08
Neighbourhood-level variables
Percentage of non-Western immigrants0–7611.0312.23
Ethnic fractionalization.00–.65.31.15
Number of unemployment benefit recipients per 1,000 inhabitants aged 15–640–70063.6573.94
Municipality-level variables
Percentage of non-Western immigrants1–379.078.47
Ethnic fractionalization.06–.61.29.14
Number of unemployment benefit recipients per 1,000 inhabitants aged 15–6410–3826.166.49

Sources: The Netherlands Longitudinal Lifecourse Study [20], Statistics Netherlands [36].