
The routing problem in VLSI-layout can be modeled as a problem of packing node-disjoint Steiner trees in a graph. The problem is as follows: Given an undirected network G = (V, E) and a net list Ψ {Ni,i=1,...,r} , a family ΓG={TNi=(VNi,ENi),i=1,...,r} is a node-disjoint family of Steiner trees spanning Ψ if TNi , is a Steiner tree spanning Ni for i = 1, ..., r and VNiVNj = for ij. The edge-disjoint version of this problem is known to be NP-hard for t. series-parallel graphs (see Rlchey and Parker [5]). In this paper we give a O(n5) algorithm for finding a minimum-cost node-disjoint family of Steiner trees in series-parallel networks. Our algorithm can be extended to k-trees and is polynomial for fixed k.