Research Article

A New Length-Based Algebraic Multigrid Clustering Algorithm

Table 7

Placement wire length and runtime results comparing one-level of existing clustering algorithms and AMG-LE with and without length-driven unclustering to baseline placements without using clustering with mPL6 on the ICCAD04 benchmark suite.
(a) HPWL

CircuitAMG-LE 1Lvl
Baseline (×106) HEM (%) BC (%) AMGC (%) Regular (%) Fast detailed (%)

ibm01 2.4 5.9 7.1 5.7 4.6 −3.2
ibm02 5.2 −6.3 −1.6 −9.9 1.3 −3.8
ibm03 8.2 2.2 6.1 5.8 −7 5
ibm04 10.9 0.4 −1.3 −1.9−5.7 11.3
ibm05 9.3 −5.4−5.3−5.4−5.2 −10.1
ibm06 8.8 10 12.5 11.9 5.8 15.4
ibm07 12.4 1.4−0.1 2.2−3.1−4.4
ibm08 21.1−2.7−2.9−2.9 4.7 13
ibm09 18.9 5.1 −2 3.7 2.9 11.9
ibm10 36.3 1.9 1.7 2.1 2 3.2
ibm11 24.3 −2.6−4.6−1.8−0.1 4.3
ibm12 46.1−5−5.9−4.2−1.1 6.4
ibm13 32.4 −1.2 0.3 1.7−0.4 9.7
ibm14 82.4 6.9 7.4 7.4 6.5 30
ibm15 100.1−7.5−3.3 1.7−2.9 23.3
ibm16 93.1 2.5 2.4 2.6 6.7 16.8
ibm17 114.4 5.7 5.9 4.9 7.5 13
ibm18 88.5 11.6 12 12 11 18.8

Average 1.2 1.5 1.9 1.5 8.9

(b) Runtime

CircuitAMG-LE 1Lvl
Baseline (s) HEM (%) BC (%) AMGC (%) Regular (%) Fast detailed (%)

ibm01 150−20−20 −14−69 47
ibm02 324−39−41 −38−91 27
ibm03 281−67−52 −85−108 10
ibm04 344−40−28 −31−87 39
ibm05 232−45−29−22−118 −2
ibm06 475−62−32−49−83 39
ibm07 488−51−43−49−100 28
ibm08 1468−29−44−26−105 62
ibm09 1134−26−26−24−136 55
ibm10 1762−45−49−45−126 8
ibm11 1501 −15−1−4−84 56
ibm12 2009−41−57−36−115 29
ibm13 1456−28−26−23−110 54
ibm14 2547 −39−33−29−93 27
ibm15 4208−48−26−23−101 32
ibm16 5821−33−35−26−57 50
ibm17 3025−52−53−59−131 3
ibm18 3672−47 −49−49−125 2

Average−40−36−35−102 31