Research Article

Process Variation Aware Wide Tuning Band Pass Filter for Steep Roll-Off High Rejection

Algorithm 2

Process variation aware tunable BPF design approach.
Given: , BW0, and initial values of , , .
Input: and
Objective: tunable BPF to meet and BW0
Output: , ,
Design approach: //Stage A to meet the specified (Steps (1)–(10))//
(1) Find the range of () in Table 2;
(2) Set initial values , , and set , , , , , , , , , , ;
(3)  Repeat
(4)  do AC simulation;
(5)  decrease by ;
(6)  Until ;
(7)  Repeat
(8)    do AC simulation;
(9)    decrease by ;
(10)   Until ;
Design approach: //Stage B to meet the specified BW0 (Steps (11)–(17))//
(11) Find and its corresponding BWmin in Table 2;
(12) If BW0 < BWmin then break;
(13) Else
(14) Do {
(15)   decreases inductor by ;
(16)   do AC simulation to find the bandwidth BW;
(17) } While ;
Design approach: //Stage C to calibrate BPF design after considering process variations (Steps (18)–(32))//
(18) Select (i.e., ) cases of BPF designs with different , BW0 and after Stage A and B;
(19)   Perform Monte Carlo analysis to obtain and for BW;
(20)  Compute ()); //calculate the BW deviation
(21)   Choose top 30% cases having the worst BW deviation and find their center frequency () and corresponding gain ();
(22) Compute the average of center frequency () and gain deviation ()
(23) Compute from (17);
(24) For to 30 //consider the top 30 cases
(25)  ;
(26)  do AC simulation;
(27)  if BWnew() > BWold() then set BW() = BWnew();
(28)  else ;
(29)    do AC simulation;
(30)    set BW() = BWnew()};
(31)  end if;
(32) End for;