Research Article

Effect of Sodium Lauryl Sulfate-Fumaric Acid Coupled Addition on the In Vitro Rumen Fermentation with Special Regard to Methanogenesis

Table 3

Effect of treatment systems on fermentation pattern by mixed rumen microorganisms after 24 hours in vitro incubation.

ParameterControl (no additives)SLS- addition (defaunation)Fumaric acid additionSLS-Fumaric acid coupled additionL.S.D.

pH value6.95(a)± 0.00516.88(ab)±0.01406.79(ab)± 0.00376.76(ac)± 0.01600.0332
Ammonia N. conc. (mg/dL)21.44(a)± 0.1811.29(ab)± 0.7210.15(ac)± 0.489.20(ab)± 0.101.333
Total SCVFAs conc. (μmoL)542.4(a)± 19.86431.6(ab)± 10.05544.6(b)± 29.96345.4(ab)± 10.2658.02
Acetic acid (moL/100 moL)51.44(a)  ± 0.0554.08(ab)± 0.3649.93(abc)± 0.3650.0(abd)± 0.481.05
Propionic acid (moL/100 moL)30.49(a)± 0.01727.75(ab)± 0.00634.10(abc)± 0.01633.84(abd)± 0.1600.244
Butyric acid (moL/100 moL)16.78(a)± 0.02216.36(ab)± 0.01314.55(abc)± 0.01614.73(abc)± 0.0170.053
Acetic/propionic ratio1.69(a)± 0.0101.95(ab)± 0.0131.46(abc)± 0.0101.48(abd)± 0.0150.037

Data presented as means ± SE, N= 5
Values having the same letter in the same raw are significantly different at P<0  .05.