Research Article

Intensity of Oestrus Signalling Is the Most Relevant Indicator for Animal Well-Being in High-Producing Dairy Cows

Table 3

Percentages of pregnancy (animal ratios in parentheses) at day 50 (transrectal manual examination) and of calving, disclosed by relative P4 level in blood serum on day 0 and by intensity of oestrus (day 0) for dairy Heifers ( 𝑛 = 3 7 ) or first parity cows (C1 cows, 𝑛 = 3 0 ).

Animal categoryP4 at day 0Oestrous intensity at day 0Pregnancy ratesCalving rates

HeifersLow71 (5/7)50 (1/2)100 (6/6)80a (12/15)60 (9/15)
Medium67 (2/3)0 (0/1)75 (6/8)67ab (8/12)72a (26/36)58 (7/12) 64a (23/36)
High60 (3/5)100 (1/1)67 2/367ab (6/9)78 (7/9)
C1 cowsLow14 (1/7)33 (2/6)67 (2/3)31b (5/16)25 (4/16)
Medium33 (2/6)50 (1/2)38ab (3/8)37b (11/30)38 (3/8) 33b (10/30)
High40 (2/5)100 (1/1)50ab (3/6)50 (3/6)
Pregnancy rates45a (15/33)46ab (6/13)80b (16/20)56 (37/66)
Calving rates39a (13/33)38a (5/13)75b (15/20)50 (33/66)

a, bdifferent superscripts differ significantly between animal categories ( 𝑃 < 0 . 0 1 on PR column and 𝑃 < 0 . 0 5 on CR column, PR row and CR row).