Review Article

A Review of Bovine Tuberculosis in the Kafue Basin Ecosystem

Table 2

Factors influencing BTB in the livestock/wildlife interface areas of the Kafue basin.

Host FactorsEnvironmental factorsPathogen

High Cattle densitiesSwampy/Marshy environmentsShowed maintenance in lechwe antelopes for a very long time establishing reservoir host potential
High Lechwe densitiesMoist pastures for most parts of the yearShown potential for interspecies and intraspecies spread
High Cattle/lechwe interaction heightening potential of aerosol route of infectionMoist soil conditions
Lechwe lekking behaviorShrinking grazing grounds
Alien invasive weeds (Mimosa pigra) spreading on already shrinking pastures
Overlapping grazing grounds for lechwe antelopes and cattle