Review Article

Canine Mammary Mixed Tumours: A Review

Figure 1

(a) Benign mixed tumor in canine mammary gland presenting chondroid and myeloid metaplasia. HE, 10x. (b) Ductal in situ carcinoma in benign mixed tumor in canine mammary gland presenting myoepithelial cells producing myxoid matrix. HE, 40x. (c) Carcinoma in benign mixed tumor in canine mammary gland presenting in situ carcinomatous areas and myoepithelial cell proliferation producing myxoid matrix. HE, 20x. (d) Carcinoma in benign mixed tumor in canine mammary gland presenting invasive areas in the adjacent stroma (arrow). HE, 40x. (e) Carcinoma in benign mixed tumor in canine mammary gland presenting absence of myoepithelial cells confirmed through negative p63 expression (arrow) in stromal invasive areas. Immunohistochemical stain with Mayer’s haematoxylin counterstain, 60x.