Research Article

Effects of Calliandra and Sesbania on Daily Milk Production in Dairy Cows on Commercial Smallholder Farms in Kenya

Table 5

Final generalized linear mixed regression model for natural log of daily milk production for 1458 cow-visit observations from 607 farm-visits of 235 cows on 80 smallholder dairy farms near Meru, Kenya in 2016–2017, adjusting for clustering of visits within cows.

Variables and their categoriesExponentiated coefficientCoefficient(95% conf. Interval) value

Amount of daily Calliandra/Sesbania (kg)1.376β0.319β0.174β0.464β<0.0005β
Amount of daily Calliandra/Sesbania squared (kg squared)0.927β−0.076β−0.127β−0.025β0.003β
Amount of daily dairy meal (kg)1.0390.0380.0180.057<0.0005
Amount of daily maize germ (kg)0.729−0.316−0.480−0.153<0.0005
Amount of daily maize silage (kg)1.0080.0080.0040.013<0.0005
Sudden feed changes
 Body condition score2.151β0.766β0.426β1.106β<0.0005β
 condition score squared0.878β−0.130β−0.203β−0.057β0.001β
 Days in milk0.998β−0.002β−0.002β−0.001β<0.0005β
 Days in milk squared1.000β1.50−06β1.06−06β1.93−06β<0.0005β
Normal appetite
Subclinical mastitis

βVariable is part of a curvilinear relationship, and therefore coefficients cannot be interpreted in isolation but rather in combination with the other relevant coefficients for the curvilinear variable, and these combinations are best reported using a graph (Figures 35).