Research Article

Layout-Independent Wireless Facility Constructing and Scheduling for Data Center Networks

Algorithm 1

Conflict aware spanning tree algorithm.
   Input: feasible wireless links set , racks set
   Output: : The spanning tree; : The racks in
(1)   is the racks covered by ;
(2)  Tabu list ;
(3)  while does not form a spanning tree do
(4)    if no links available for selection then
(5)     break;
(6)    end
(7)    Randomly select a link from , where
      and and
     are the racks which setup wireless radio and
     respectively, i.e. is a wireless link crossing
     and ;
(8)     Remove from ;
(9)    Determine ’s conflict link set based on the
      principals listed in Section 4.1.2;
(10)    if and there is no crossing link between
      and at least one of the connected
     components of the graph
(11)     ;
(12)     continue;
(13)    else
(14)     ;
(15)     ;
(16)     ;
(17)    end
(18) end
(19) if There exist isolated areas in the
   network then
(20)    Try to establish new wireless radios or adjusting their
     positions on the isolated racks to increase the amount
     of feasible links;
(21)    Deploy multiple reflectors for these racks’ radios to
     increase the amount of feasible links;
(22)    return to Step (3);
(23) end
(24) return and