Review Article

Coexistence of DTT and Mobile Broadband: A Survey and Guidelines for Field Measurements

Table 1

Summary of contributions.

Topic Main reviewed research and original contributions

DTT-MBB coexistence(i) Laboratory measurements [68, 11, 7586] and field measurements [10, 87, 88]
(ii) Monte Carlo coexistence simulations [72, 8993]
(iii) ITU-R/CEPT reports on interference assessment [9, 31, 61, 9496]

TV White SpacesTVWS concept [1820], field trials, and pilots [3336]

UHF spectrum availabilityMeasurement methodologies [97], measurement campaigns [2125], and propagation modeling [2630]

LTE Supplemental DownlinkStudies and scenarios for DTT-LTE supplemental downlink coexistence [66, 70, 98]

DTT reception system coexistence studiesOriginal contributions: a survey on DTT-MBB coexistence and DTT reception system performance, considerations on the use of different coexistence study methods, and guidelines for conducting field measurements