Research Article

Access Point Backhaul Resource Aggregation as a Many-to-One Matching Game in Wireless Local Area Networks

Algorithm 1

DA algorithm user proposing: many-to-one matching.
Input. , ,
Initialize to be the total available P-APs for a given B-AP
Stage 1
 () B-APs rank all P-APs using
 () Every applies for its most preferred
    from and removes from
Stage 2
 () P-APs rank each applicant using
 () Among all applicants and its current match ,
     accepts the most preferred and rejects
    the others.
If is accepted by then:
If is rejected by , then:
If is accepted then rejected by , then:
Stage 3. Repeat Stage 1 and Stage 2 for every
Stage 4. Exchanged traffic will be forwarded from
through its respective match
Output. Stable optimal matching