Research Article

CARCC: Connectivity Autorecovering via Cooperative Communication

Algorithm 2

Input: Articulation point ;
Output: , a CC-link connecting such that and , ;
# Computing the min distance to reach the farthest block
  (1) , , computes ;
  (2)  retrieves and satisfying ;
  (3)  broadcasts to all ;
# Upon receiving , check if a CC-link can be set up;
  (4)  compute ;
  (5) if    then
  (6)   sends back to node ;
  (7) end if
# Selecting a suitable backup node in each block ;
  (8) Node collects the messages and computes for each block ;
  (9) Node informs to node that it holds de minimum cost among the nodes in
    that block. Node becomes the backup node for block ;