Research Article

A Real-Time Taxicab Recommendation System Using Big Trajectories Data

Procedure 1

Access to real-time taxicab information.
() Input taxicabs GPS data after cleaning
() Using transformation, the format of raw taxicabs GPS records is
converted to (plate number, (date and time; marked region; status bit))
() Using groupByKey transformation, all the taxicabs GPS data of the same
plate number are gathered.
() if (Using transformation, we inspect and detect if there are
real-time taxicabs in Wander Status)
    () Using transformation, we calculate the distance between
        these real-time taxicabs and . Then, (corresponding distance,
        plate number) are exported.
    () Ascending order of corresponding distance can be obtained by
        (true) transformation.
    () Using take(1) operation, we obtain and recommend the nearest
        taxicab in Wander Status to the passenger .
() else
    () Using transformation, we inspect and detect if there are
        real-time taxicabs in Occupied Status.
    () Using transformation, GPS data for each taxicab are
        arranged in reverse chronological order. Then, we output plate
        number and the corresponding last manned trajectory, namely,
        several continuous GPS records in which the status bit is 1.