Research Article

Compressed RSS Measurement for Communication and Sensing in the Internet of Things

Algorithm 1

CS-based solution.
Require: Position of each node, Number of Nodes
Ensure: RSS matrix for each channel
(1) Use one node to choose a channel with less or constant noise.
(2) Utilize the pathloss model to compute an estimation of RSS matrix ;
(3) Decompose in to form of , using the singular value decomposition method.
(4) Get the sparsity of by omitting the singular value smaller than ;
(5) Generate the measurement matrix following the LDPC matrix with the predetermined time slot ;
(6) Distribute the measurement plan to each node with th column of ;
(7) Each node sends a test signal following the measurement plan.
(8) The RSS in each node as is aggregating to the central server. Denote as ;
(9) Solve the problem with minimizing the by linear programming;
(10) Get the RSS matrix