Review Article

State of the Art and Recent Research Advances in Software Defined Networking

Table 4

Common OpenFlow Compliant Switches and Standalone Stacks.


Open vSwitchC/PythonSoftwareOpenFlow stack that is used both as a virtual switch and ported to multiple hardware platforms [80].
IndigoCSoftwareSoftware running on hardware switching implementations and based on the Stanford reference [81].
OpenFlowJJavaSoftwareOpenFlow stack written in Java [82].
OpenFaucetPythonSoftwarePython implementation of the OpenFlow 1.0 protocol [83].
ofsoftswitch13C/C++SoftwareUser space software switches implementation [84].
PantouCSoftwareOpenFlow port to the OpenWRT wireless environment [85].
Oflib-nodeJavaScriptSoftwareOpenFlow protocol library for Node.js converting between the protocol messages and JavaScript objects [86].
OpenFlow ReferenceCSoftwareMinimal OpenFlow reference stack that tracks the specification [22].
Pica8CPhysical and softwareSoftware platform for hardware switching chips which includes L2/L3 stack [87].
A10 Networks—AX SeriesProprietaryPhysical and softwarePhysical and software appliances (AX Series), offering L4-7 programming [88].
Big Switch Networks - Big Virtual SwitchProprietaryPhysical and softwareData center network virtualization application built upon an OpenFlow switches [89].
Brocade ADX SeriesProprietaryPhysical and softwareSecure and scalable application service infrastructures using the RESTful API on northbound interface [90].
NEC ProgrammableFlow Switch SeriesProprietaryPhysical and softwareSeries offers network virtualization, multipath routing, security, and programmability [91].
ADVA Optical - FSP 150 & 3000ProprietaryPhysicalFSP 150 carrier Ethernet and FSP 3000 transport layer products [92].
IBM RackSwitch G8264ProprietaryPhysicalOffers low cost flexible connectivity for high-speed server and storage devices in DC environments [93].
HP 2920, 3500, 3800, 5400 seriesProprietaryPhysicalAdvanced modular switch series built on programmable ASICs offering scalable QoS and security [94].
Juniper Junos MX, EX, QFX SeriesProprietaryPhysicalSeries supports different versions of OpenFlow varying with model [95].