Research Article

Fuzzy Logic Based Coverage and Cost Effective Placement of Serving Nodes for 4G and Beyond Cellular Networks

Algorithm 1

Candidate site selection and placement of macro eNBs for SSMSC approach.
Stage 1: Candidate site selection and placement of macro eNBs
Input: , ,
Output: Sel_eNB = Macro eNB candidate sites selected for placement
Initialization: Sel_eNB = Null, SCI = 0
 (1) for to
 (2)  Find SCIk, OIk and DTIk using (2), (3) and (5)
 (3)  Identify SSIk using FIE
 (4)  end for
 (5) for to
 (6)  [Val Ind] =
 (8)  If SCI >
 (9)  break
 (10)  else
 (11)  Sel_eNB =
 (12)  end if
 (14) end for