Research Article

An Efficient Traffic Congestion Monitoring System on Internet of Vehicles

Algorithm 3

Pseudocode of traffic congestion condition verification.
Traffic Congestion Condition Verification Operation
(1) If (Fuzzy_Based_Evaluation(rc) ‘congested’) then
(2)  Verfication_Result = NULL
(3)  For each ri do
(4)   If (Exist_Outflow(lanej,rk) true) then
(5)   Update_Neighbor(rj) to inflow neighbor table of rk
(6)   End if
(7)  End For
(8)  For each inflow neighbor rk of rc do
(9)    = Select_header(rk)
(10)  End for
(11)  While (Verfication_Result = NULL) do
(12)    performs Update_traffic(flow, density) to traffic flow table of rc
(13)    performs Publish(flow, density, rc) to the control center
(14)   For each inflow neighbor rk of rc do
(15)      performs Update_traffic(flow, density) to traffic flow table of rk
(16)      performs Publish(flow, density, rk) to the control center
(17)   End For
(18)   do Rankine-Hugoniot_Validation()
(19)   If (Rankine-Hugoniot_Validation( then
(20)     Verfication_Result Verified’
(21)   Else Verfication_Result ‘Failed’
(22)     Fuzzy_Based_Evaluation(rc) = ‘unstable-flow’
(23)  End while
(24) End if