Research Article

Embedded System Based on an ARM Microcontroller to Analyze Heart Rate Variability in Real Time Using Wavelets

Table 1

Parameters of the analysis HRV.

DomainDescriptionSymbolUnitsBiological mean

TimeMean between IBI intervalms
Mean heart rateBPM
Standard deviation of NN intervalsSDNNmsEstimate of overall HRV
Measure the mean of standard deviation of intervals RR in windows of 5 minutesiSDNNms
Measure the standard deviation of the mean of the intervals RR in windows of 5 minutesSDANNms
Root mean squared of successive differencesRMSSDmsShort term component
Percentage of intervals that differs more than 50 mspNN50%
Standard deviation of the heart rateBPM
Maximum time between IBI intervalms
Minimum time between IBI intervalms
FrequencyLow frequency powerLFSympathetic nervous System activity
High frequency powerHFparasympathetic nervous System activity
Ratio between low and high frequencyLF/HFSympathovagal balance
Low frequency normalizedLFnn.u
High frequency normalizedHFnn.u
Non linearPoincareSD1, SD2
msTerm variability
Geometric (time domain)Triangular indexRRTrinEstimate of overall HRV
Triangular Interpolation indexTINN

BPM(beats per minute), ms (milliseconds), (milliseconds squared), n.u. (normalized units), %(percent).