Research Article

Congestion Control and Traffic Scheduling for Collaborative Crowdsourcing in SDN Enabled Mobile Wireless Networks

Algorithm 1

Hybrid routing and forwarding algorithm.
Algorithm for hybrid routing and forwarding
  Input: mobile wireless network topology graph , crowdsourcing task flow matrix ;
  for each row in do
If   is non-SDN node then
Assign the task flow to its next hop forwarding link;
, ;
until all non-SDN nodes are traversed;
If   is SDN node  then
Sort the task in ascending order according to the load of the task flow;
Compute all possible forwarding path ;
Use the greedy algorithm to assign task to its next hop forwarding link;
, ;
until all SDN nodes are traversed;
Compute link utilization on all links in the network. Get the maximum link utilization ;
Update the crowdsourcing task traffic matrix to ;
  If    then
Return to the third step;
Output: the maximum link utilization ;