Research Article

Delay Tolerance and Energy Saving in Wireless Sensor Networks with a Mobile Base Station

Algorithm 1

The Adjacent Tree-Bounded Hop Algorithm (AT-BHA).
Input: A sensor network , hop cout , ,
Output: Set of CL nodes ,
(1) ; /set of nodes in the network /;
(2) ;
(3) ;
(4) while    is not empty  do
(5) Find the closest vertex to the BS position from ;
(6) Find an MST that covers vertices from ;
(7) ; / set of nodes in partition tree /   ;
(8) while    is not empty  do
(9) Find the farthest leave vertex in ;
(10) Find the routing path ;
(11) if    then
(12) ;
(13) else
(14) vertex from at hops from ;
(15) ;
(16) Find an MST ;
(17) ;
(18) if    is empty  then
(19) break;
(20) Find node that with ;
(21) Find set of nodes with ; / nodes within a circle of radius /;
(22) Find the closest vertex to from ;
(23) ;
(24) ; / set as a CL /  ;
(25) Find an MST ;
(26) ;
(27) =Update_CT(,,,,)   ;
(29) [, ]=Call LBA()   ;