Review Article

Technological Features of Internet of Things in Medicine: A Systematic Mapping Study

Table 3

Wearable sensors.

Wearable sensor typesAnother termMeasuring parametersCount

ECG sensorElectrocardiographyElectrical and muscular functions of the heart11
ThermometerTemperature sensorsTemperature7
Heart rate sensorThe number of heart beats per minute (bpm)5
GyroscopeAngular rate sensorsOrientation and angular velocity5
Localization sensorPosition sensorIndoor and outdoor locations4
Pressure sensorForce sensorPressure/force/torque on a rotating system4
Optical heart rate sensorPhotoplethysmography (PPG)Heart rate3
EMG sensorElectromyographyElectrical activity produced by skeletal muscles2
Pulse oximeterOxygen saturation2
EEG sensorElectroencephalographyElectrical activity generated by the brain2
Physiological sensorsUnspecified2
EOG sensorElectrooculographyCorneoretinal standing potential that exists between the front and the back of the human eye1
ActigraphyActimetry sensorHuman rest/activity cycles1
AltimeterAltitude meterAltitude of an object above a fixed level1
Blood pressure sensorBlood pressure1
Conductivity sensorElectrical current1
Flex sensorBend sensorThe amount of deflection or bending1
Step counter sensorStep detector sensorSteps1
BarometerAir pressure1
CameraImage sensorPhotographs of daily living1

The sensor type was not specified. The measuring parameters were not specified.