Research Article

Blind Travel Prediction Based on Obstacle Avoidance in Indoor Scene

Algorithm 1

A computing algorithm of adjacency matrix of grid connectivity.
Input: The set of obstacle spatial distribution, ; the side length of gird, .
Output: The adjacency matrix of grid connectivity, .
1  Initialize a matrix with 0, the shape of is ().
2  for each do
3   for each do
4    // Determine whether the current grid is an obstacle grid
5    ifthen
6    else
7     ifthen
8     else ifthen
9      // Determine the connectivity of front.
10      ifthen, , 1
11      // Determine the connectivity of left.
12      else if & then, , 1
13      else ifthen
14       ifthen, , 1
15       end if
16       // Determine the connectivity of right.
17       if & then, , 1
18       end if
19      // Determine the connectivity of front left.
20      else if & then, , 1
21      // Determine the connectivity of front right.
22      else if & & then, , 1
23      // Determine the connectivity of back.
24      else ifthen, , 1
25      // Determine the connectivity of back left.
26      else if & then, , 1
27      // Determine the connectivity of back right.
28      else if & & then, , 1
29      end if
30    end if
31   end if
32  end for
33 end for
34 final
35 return