Research Article

QoS-Oriented Optimal Relay Selection in Cognitive Radio Networks

Algorithm 1

Relay selection algorithm.
1: N = Number of Relays;
2: NumberOfObjectives = 4; // i.e. 1: Throughput, 2: Delay, 3: Battery and 4: Buffer
3: Exchange CSI and Resource Information
4: //Discover the available incoming links, i.e. links
5: ListOfAvailableIncomingLinks[] = [] //List contains indices of available relays for Rx, initially the list is empty
6: NumberOfAvailableIncomingLinks = 0;
7: for i=1:N do
8:   if AND // SNR of link
    AND // Available buffer at relay
    // Batery power at relay
9:     NumberOfAvailableIncomingLinks++;
10:     ListOfAvailableIncomingLinks[NumberOfAvailableIncomingLinks] = i;
11:   end if
12: end for
13: //Discover the available outgoing links, i.e. links
14: ListOfAvailableOutgoingLinks[] = [] //List contains indices of available relays for Tx, initially the list is empty
15: NumberOfAvailableOutgoingLinks = 0;
16: for i=1:N do
17:   if AND // SNR of
    AND // Occupied buffer at relay
   // Batery power at relay
18:     NumberOfAvailableOutgoingLinks++;
19:     ListOfAvailableOutgoingLinks[NumberOfAvailableOutgoingLinks] = i;
20:   end if
21: end for
22: // Now we select the best outgoing link out of the available outgoing links as per application QoS requirements.
23: selectedOutgoingRelayIndex = -1; // initially none selected
24: bestValue = 0; // initialized
25: for i=1: NumberOfAvailableOutgoingLinks do
26:   Y[ListOfAvailableOutgoingLinks[i]]=
27:   if Y[ListOfAvailableOutgoingLinks[i]] ¿ bestValue then
28:     bestValue = Y[ListOfAvailableOutgoingLinks[i]];
29:     selectedOutgoingRelayIndex = ListOfAvailableOutgoingLinks[i];
30:   end if
31: end for
32: // Now select the best incoming link out of the available incoming links as per application QoS requirements and also it is not the selected outgoing link.
33: selectedIncomingRelayIndex = -1; // initially none selected
34: bestValue = 0; // initialized
35: for i=1:NumberOfAvailableIncomingLinks do
36:   Y
37:   if Y[ListOfAvailableIncomingLinks[i]] ¿ bestValue AND
ListOfAvailableIncomingLinks[i] != selectedOutgoingRelayIndex then
38:     bestValue = Y[ListOfAvailableIncominggLinks[i]];
39:     selectedIncomingRelayIndex = ListOfAvailableIncomingLinks[i];
40:   end if
41: end for