Research Article

Quasi-Affine Transformation Evolutionary with Double Excellent Guidance

Algorithm 1

1: Initialization: preset maximum number of iterations , the number of individuals SN, dimension , and parameters , , .
2: Generate the initial population , to calculate the fitness of all individuals and get the optimal individual and the suboptimal individual .
3: According to Eq. (3), individuals are divided into two fixed subpopulations and and generate the corresponding global optimal matrix and global suboptimal matrix .
4: for to
5:  Randomly generate the matrix according to Eq. (2), then generate the matrix.
6:  Calculate the Euclidean distance between the global optimal individual and the global suboptimal individual.
7:  Calculate the guiding force through Eq. (4).
8:  Generate the matrix by Eq. (5).
9:  Evolve individuals in each group using Eq. (6).
10:  Calculate the fitness value of each individual.
11:  for to SN
12:   if
14:   end if
15:  end for
16:  Update the current optimal individual and the current suboptimal individual .
17:  Generate the new global optimal matrix and global suboptimal matrix .
18: end for
19: Output: Individual of global optimal solution and global optimal value .