Research Article

Privacy-Guarding Optimal Route Finding with Support for Semantic Search on Encrypted Graph in Cloud Computing Scenario

Algorithm 1

Input: The graph data , and the symmetric key set
Output: The chain table set
 1: The set of graph vertices is = , and the symmetric key set is =
 2: for alldo
 3:  Each member in the set is turned into a new word after conversion via porter stemmer mechanism, and the new word set is represented as , where
 4: end for
 5: for alldo
 6:  Two arbitrary inequable words and in the set are combined into a new compound term, and all the new terms set is denoted as = ; and () represents the number of optimal route about the compound term
 7: end for
 8: for alldo
 9:  for alldo
 10:   =;
 11:   ;
 12:  end for
 13: end for
 15: return.